
Athletic Knit uniforms are constructed with a tradition of quality and an emphasis on durability and functionality. Our customization process allows us to dye all colours, logos, team names and individual player numbers and names into the fabric of the uniform.

Customize a Product

  1. Choose your uniform from our Product Catalogue or choose your uniform from your Cart
  2. Use the Customizer to customize construction
  3. Personalize and Decorate your uniform
  4. Create a logo for your uniform



Use this customizer to change the colours and fabrics used. Add or change construction options like the hemming, neck type and much more.

*Note that customizing an In-Stock product will make it a custom product with custom pricing.

Personalize & Decorate


Personalize apparel with with player names and numbers. Add sponsor logo’s or a sponsor bar, decorate your uniform with artwork, add your team name and team logo.

Create a Logo

Use this logo builder to create your own logo. Coming Soon!